Sunday, March 05, 2006

Forty Thousand Times...

"All I want is something good - it gets harder every time..."

That's 4 Days by the Counting Crows...

I got tagged, apparently. While I don't seem to care for these mindless games of co-existence, I'll give this one a go.

Four jobs I've had:
- Events Slave with Evolution Events
- Trying to Cope with Star Queen Tourism
- Assistant Producer at Ten Sports
- Local Barista at Sufi's...

Four movies I can watch all over again:
- Le Fabuleux destin d'Amélie Poulain (Comptine d'un autre été)
- Fight Club (The Tyler Durden One!)
- Snatch (For Foo-kh Sake)
- Gypsy Feet (Whenever that's Over!)
Four is such a small number though...

Four places I've lived:
- India
- Dubai
- Gold Coast
- Dubai (and I don't even like the place!)

Four TV shows I love:
- Seinfeld (Maybe the Dingo ate yo baiby)
- Scrubs (I m no superman)
- Samurai Jack
- Simpsons (New tie wearing I)

Four spots I vacationed:
- Parts of India
- Ukraine (sigh!)
- That Far East tour (that's some 7 countries right there)
- Sydney (if I could count that as a vacation!)

Four favourite dishes:
- Everything I cook (my Mother can take some credit too)

Four sites I visit daily:
- Gmail
- Google
- ...

Four places I'd rather be right now:
- The Himalayas
- Perth
- Nexus Place, Unit 14B - Gold Coast
- Pune

Four books I read this year:
- It's March! If I pickup something today - I'll be done by November!

Four Bloggers I am tagging:
- Tao of Her
- Coffee Stains
- That Copywriter
- Tanesh (whenever he starts his blog)


Farrukh Naeem said...

Hey Sushi,

Thanks for telling me you tagged. I have no way of knowing otherwise, I think. And now I look for 4 bloggers. Evil ;-)

Anonymous said...

i took up the tag from Farrukh...

Anonymous said...

Oh Sushi,

In case you are looking for my answers, they are on my writing blog.