Friday, September 22, 2006


Two mothers shared a wall during the time of their first born.

As each child entered the world, it became obvious that the mothers would end up losing their child in a matter of minutes.

Upon hearing the news, I noticed the first mother’s features change from expressions of joy to one of dismay and sadness.
She sat silent and patient, feeling helpless, as she saw her child die in her arms.
A tear rolling down her cheek, she said to me, “I wanted to spend my only moments with him in peace and silence...”

Upon hearing the same words, I noticed the second mother’s features change from expressions of joy to one of rage and distress.
She did everything she could, and made sure everyone did the same, in order to help save her child. However, his fate was much that of his neighbour’s.
Tears streaming down her face, she said to me, “I wanted to spend my only moments with him trying to save him...”

The first mother... resurrected...
The second mother... died...

I'll end with Bob Dylan:
How many times must a man look up, before he can see the sky...
How many ears must one man have, before he can hear he can cry...
How many deaths will it take till he knows, that too many people have died...
The answer blows in the wind...


Anonymous said...

I remember this story...You used it in one of those "chat sessions".It was a spur-of-the-moment thing. You were trying to convince me about something (can't be sure what it was though), and I just loved the way you put it across..

Sushi said...

Yeah, I thought it was during some chat session with either you or Bat. Although, I had a different end for original. But, when I got down to writing it, the original ending didn't hit me hard enough -- so, I skipped it...

Memory n all tho -- very impressive ;)

Anonymous said...

This gave me goose bumps. I remember being faced with the possibility of losing my child, but fortunately, fate and destiny switched places and he was able to come home. I'd like to think I'd have responded like the first mother.

Beautiful sentiments, touching story.

