Wednesday, May 20, 2009

(Insert Title Here)

It’s interesting with this sketch(?) -- I just drew it now after K was yelling at me again. One master says celebrate and the other says, "WTF? You want me to say the same thing over and over again?"
It’s interesting with this sketch that when I tried to save it on the PC I figured I’d just title it "?"... But that’s not a recognised or ‘acceptable’ file name. I then tried "." – again, not acceptable... 

Interesting how the computer, a man-made machine, does not accept a question mark or a full stop in its absolute form as an identity for a file.
Of course, this "sketch" has no title. And not like 'untitled' which is the default name Microsoft gives to every single file. It just doesn’t have a title, it isn’t complete and perhaps never will be.

1 comment:

Munch said...

So many thought bubbles? Your mind is like a bubble machine =)

Hey where is Mumaska?

Ooohhhh I and Mumaska are one "M bubble". Its nice how you fused your most favourite thoughts into one =)