I was watching a documentary on SBS the other day, titled "Dead Tired" -- which basically asked the question, "Is lack of sleep killing you?"
It showed some of the experiments that were conducted -- some of the worst accidents that were caused as a result of sleep deprivation. The brain of a car driver shutting down for a few seconds, employees unable to analyse basic information due to a lack of sleep... Doctors and surgeons leading to deaths or injuries of patients because they worked 24hr shifts!
"Shifts"... We are so used to conducting business 24 hours a day now, aren't we?
Like that Citi Bank slogan -- "The City Never Sleeps..."
Global economy, nation's economy, city's economy... personal accounts.
So, we have invented the kind of lives we have. In the sense, we work, we party, we earn, we compete, etc. etc. It's a man-made lifestyle, evolved as part of our societal structure. We have 'shares' and 'bank accounts' -- pieces of paper that have monetary value.
Can you imagine the tree that the paper must have originally come from? I wonder if that tree would have now felt honoured to have seen one thin sheet of its bark become a valuable asset for humanity -- or would it have laughed at the sheer stupidity of the idea?
"Really? They made a million from my left arm? Haha... really? Wow, I have 6, how rich am I?"
So we have this 'system' within which we operate. We are 'educated' -- not like the animals and trees. We have fulltime jobs, we make money, we enjoy our lives by travelling the world in planes and ships, drinking lots and lots of alcohol to celebrate 'special days' annually... We have our TV, our books, our cars, apartments with swimming pools and gyms... Gyms with treadmills - static machines on which we run...
As I am writing this I am actually laughing at the stupidity of this life.
But the worst part is, none of us like it...?
We all hate the fact that we work overtime, we have to struggle to make ever cent we earn, and then when we go to spend it, it just disappears in no time. We have been cheated by one and other, robbed in bright day light -- and 'legally' robbed!
We sign pieces of paper to legally handover or gift our possessions to friends and families... And one day a friend becomes an enemy -- and we hate the 'so-called friend'. We argue. We are all such unique snowflakes and so, we argue. Constantly.
We are scared. Scared that our economy is collapsing -- scared that we may be laid-off, we may lose our jobs.... Scared we may not be able to cope and maintain the 'standard of living' we currently have....
The car, the celebrations, the apartment, gym, swimming pool - it might all disappear if I lose just this one thing.... my job... Or, digging deeper - money.
We created the structure and we are suffering...?
And sure, you'd read this and go "hmm... We SHOULD change" -- but how? Who will accompany you? A revolution all alone? As David Bohm once said, 'It's like throwing a pebble in the ocean.' Hardly a ripple will get created.
Then what? You join that silly Zeitgeist movement? It's a good idea (as far as I understood it) -- but really, do we need the blind leading the blind again?
How many 'revolutions' has mankind been through.. And what has ever changed? Have things gotten better? Don't think about economy -- think about 'you'... Have things gotten better for you and me?
All working like dogs. Overstuffing our brain with information, new softwares, new theories.... And for what? To remain competitive. To remain king. And eventually a day will come when someone much younger than me will throw me off my throne of power and success and achievements... And I will be shattered.
I, as powerful and strong as an Elephant, lost an arm-wrestling match to an ant...?
Sunday morning I'm waking up...
Can't even focus on my coffee cup...
Don't even know whose bed I'm in...
Where do I start, where do I begin?
A very deep and worrying thought --yet something valid that the "human race" seems to intentionally avoid. We are somehow conditioned to continue with life as it may be.
Its perhaps the easiest solution to our big problem, simply because we are too lasy to figure it out =)
My only commenter always...
I should start dating you for being so loyal...
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I think my loyality deserves more than just a couple of dates...Don't you think Mr. Sushi?
I didn't say 'couple'... Once I start dating, there will be no more dates left for anything else -- ever! ;)
=) Thats such a sweet thought (shit! What am I getting into?!)
SO I read your post and my mind shifted to 'serious' mode.
Then I got to the comments and couldn't help but smile. :)
It's a well written piece Sushi, really makes you think. IT is scary to be getting swallowed by one's own web...but I guess the trick is to not just try to keep your head above the water, but to lie back, float and enjoy the view. The only lookout is up, so something's gotta give eventually - right?
Uff. *disapprovingly*
Visible after blog owners approval it seems.
Did you think I'd abuse you or tell you to borrow my rose colored glasses something? darna mana hai and all that. *grin*
I'm kiddin, I enjoy reading your posts.
I am but a humble follower. :)
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