Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Rediscovering the Crows...

"Casting shadows, way up on that winter sky, as you stood there, counting crows..."

I've been counting crows again... I think, I do it every 3 months, or so. It's almost like a quarterly dance routine composed in my own space...

Songs, scents, taste, texture -- it reminds us of so much. Mostly, the better times...
School... Friends... Aloneness... Stuff we said... Things we did...
Nostalgia -- I believe that's the word people use to describe that sense. I love that word. It represents so much of something that’s just bigger than us and our regular emotions. It's like being controlled by a memory, rather than, being in control of it...

Most songs have a nostalgic sense attached. They remind me of all those phases I may have been through. In fact, the songs create the phases -- they set the criteria and categorize each phase in a specific cd cover... It's almost as if I m not reminded of the phase by hearing the song, rather, the phase reminds me of the song I’d be hearing... I don't know -- think I m losing the boundaries between where I am and where I used to be...

However, just to simplify something complicated (or the other way around), I guess, it's fair to say that my life has been split into a series of different songs...

Coldplay, Aimme Mann, Jimi Hendrix with his Castles made of Sand, Tori Amos, Bush, Jewel, Dizzying up another girl, and everything that Cameron Crowe threw at me with his films... That's life...

And yet, off the million songs I may have heard in this lifetime – the counting crows always hang around throughout every experience. Their music can take me anywhere, because, they’ve been everywhere I have.

Raining in Baltimore can take me to Australia, as I walked down the mini-forest on my way to the university (sometimes being attacked by a Magpie!).
Rain King would bring me to a class with Dr. Kaup, sitting next to Nidhi Nagdeve, pretending to study, even though I’d be using the internet to research on another momentary obsession.
Goodnight Elizabeth, I’d be at my local Starbucks, doing another sketch, dreaming another dream.
And a Holiday in Spain would be all about driving down an empty highway (in Dubai), just before sunrise...

I've been hearing Murder of One lately. I just found the original version a few days back -- and have been fairly observed. The whole song, is like a rain-cloud hiding behind the sun. It hides so that it can travel from place to place, with the sun, gather drops from every ocean, until it can hold no more... Eventually, much like everything else, it will collapse.

And, under its shower, I’d be standing arms wide open, eyes wide shut, accepting, with gratitude...

That, to me, is Counting Crows...

"Walking along the hill-sides, in the summer beneath the sunshine, and feathered by the moon-light falling down on me... Change, change, change..."

End Quote -
"Success, not greatness, is the only god the world serves."
- Drew Baylor (with Cameron's words)


Anonymous said...

"Green Eyes"-Coldplay and "Rain King"- Counting Crows, remind me of how I would look around a street while listening to those songs just to make sure no one's around so that I could open my arms wide open and breath in the air during the chorus. Take it all in.

Anonymous said...

Sometimes I read what you have written and wish, for just a fleeting second to be so young and free again. Always keep an open mind. Always stay young. Laugh and love always.

Sushi said...

Hmmm... I am wondering --
Anonymous = Elma?
Could that be?

Well, I appreciate your comment, Bat actually heard it (while I was reading it to myself) and said "that's the sweetest thing anyone could say"...

As for being young and free -- I think you eventually progress to being more 'divine' as time passes. So, enjoy that =)