Friday, August 23, 2013

The Luxury of Space and Time...

It would seem that gathering space and time for yourself should be the simplest thing to do. After all, where ever you go, what ever you do, there is always that one being that is consistent with you in every journey, and that is you, yourself. Be that when you are working at the job you hate or when you are walking up the 10,000 Buddhas temple in Hong Kong... Alone...

And yet, it is sometimes the time you get to spend with yourself in the non-doing that can be such a struggle to come by. I know, most people probably don't care about this moment of 'non-doing'. Non-doing is for the dead, but we're alive, and young, considering no one would ever let you say you are old without them passing the oh-so-wise comment -- 'you're only as old as you feel you are... dude!' I wonder why I only get that comment from people who are stuck in their 21 year old mind-set though. People who cannot see a weekend beyond alcohol or going out to paint the town whatever colour it is that they prefer.

When I was 20, I was looking forward to turning 30, and now that I am 30 and 30 is the new 20something.... I really just want to hit 40. Not that I want the pain in my joints that some 40 year olds start feeling, but I want the time-off that I am anticipating older men have the luxury of enjoying... But, I know, it's probably not true. The picture I have in my head is definitely not true. Being on an island somewhere, with a fishing rod and barbecue for food, the internet and a laptop for writing and communicating... and perhaps a video-game... just in case a man wants to take a break from the non-doing...

The luxury of space and time... I think that will be a fitting title for this post. Clearly, even Einstein didn't feel he could get enough of some space and time with himself. Why else would that silly German genius keep exploring the concept of space-time?

Time and space... There are very few people who have the mental and emotional capability I believe to think about something like that in-depth. It takes a certain level of general contentment from the regular everyday life. Perhaps even a sense of boredom from the everyday life -- all the shopping and clubbing and problems and career-development and friends-hanging and whatever else it is that people look forward to do or sort out during their weekends. Not that a person that is content or bored would not get on with that everyday life. But, every once in a while, you'd need time just to be. Time just to sit and ponder over something as meaningful or silly as time and space. The only two things in our lives that have no beginning and no end, time and space. They don't start from a particular point nor do they end anywhere. Sure, a scientist can talk about his belief in the 'Big Bang', but even before that there would be a space within which something would be able to take place. There would be a time when there was space and not a single being present anywhere across the universe to ever even think about the idea of time and space... and then that non-existing being got bored and created a billion planet channels, most of which the non-existing being doesn't watch anymore, because they just seem to repeat the same stories with different characters...

Since before time and space were, 
The Tao is.
It is beyond the is and is not.
How do I know this is true?
I look inside myself and see...
- Lao Tzu: the last man to ever have the time and space to look inside himself to figure out how grand the Tao really is!!

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